Вышла версия лога N1MM с поддержкой передачи данных QSO из JTDX в лог N1MM через TCP интерфейс.
В логе N1MM функционал активируется в закладке broadcast data основных настроек.
N1MM Logger is the world's most popular ham radio contest logging program. For CW, phone and digital modes, its combination of contest-optimized features is unmatched. The program can be used with Windows XP (sp3) / Vista / Seven / Eight / Ten
The program's features are continually changing, and the manual may sometimes fall behind the code when this happens. Consult the release notes for information on the newest features of the program that may not have made it into the manual.
Click here for a quick look at some of the program's features
This Link will take you right to the beginning of the Getting Started section of the manual, in case you want to dive right in

Last Modification: 07 August 2016 07:30:56 EDT by K8UT.
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